Since the pandemic and coming out of the circuit-breaker and phase 2 HA, we have seen and heard of many intermediaries adopting and continuing to network digitally (and found success as well!) – hurray! Super encouraging for us, here at Surer, given that this is something we have been advocating and sincerely believe to be the way to go. One example of this is hearing from intermediaries that they have increased their networking activities online – via social channels or leveraging digital communication tools. So we thought to write this article to share some common virtual networking mistakes that people make – so you don’t! Linkedin is, in our opinion, a very powerful platform to connect with peers on a professional level. However, how you go about doing it should be a little more deliberate than, view and add. Most people curate their connections on social platforms, so, if you are thinking everyone will accept your invitation to connect, sorry pal, you are deeply mistaken. It kinda reeks of arrogance when someone does that to me as well – whether knowingly or not. In the scenario that you receive a request from someone you do not know directly, which would appeal to you more: “Join my network on LinkedIn,” or “Hi John, My name is Doe from XYZ company. I am reaching in hopes to connect so we can work on opportunities to collaborate on General Insurance deals, should the opportunity arise. thanks!” The second message gives the other party some context as to who you are and why you have picked him to connect with. It is also a form of respect that you took the time to provide context. It may be a little more tedious but if this connection is important, then, it should be worth the time. You can do so on Linkedin by clicking on the “connect” button from the individual’s profile. Afterwhich, a pop-up appears to prompt you to ‘Add a note’ – this is where you can then customise your message. While virtual networking allows us to scale efforts, it is still, arguably, less personal and memorable than a physical meeting. As such, do not just go on a virtual networking spree without putting in the effort to maintain these connections. Add these connections into your newsletter if you have one or engage them directly via PM or a separate virtual coffee. Actions like these give the connection more meaning and when the time comes to collaborate, both parties are likely to be more open to consider. While virtual networking works well to get more leads, clients and expanding your network among peers, Surer takes that one step further as well. Here at Surer, we have what we call a ‘Referral Circle’. All users of Surer can start searching for and adding other intermediaries into their ‘Referral Circle’ where… Every. Single. User. On. Surer. Is. An. Intermediary. Further from that, you can take functional actions with these intermediaries as well. Read: functional = more deals How so? It takes all of 9 seconds to do it. 🙃 Speed is essential. But accuracy of information is even more important. With this feature, every party gets the exact same information you created on the proposal GONE ARE THE DAYS OF TYPO, COPY AND PASTE ERROR, TOGGLING BETWEEN SCREENS TO DO A REFERRAL! Of course, and especially when it comes to referrals, we make it abundantly clear in our platform usage guidelines that due diligence is still required on the part of all agents to inform their clients of such and for the client to be left in doubt. So, like any healthy relationship, professional connections require a dose of reciprocity as well. We either often focus too much on overstating our OWN reasons for wanting to connect OR understate our own value in a professional connection. Maybe it’s an asian thing where we are too paisay to share what we can bring to the table for fear of coming across as hao lian? When given the opportunity to connect and have a conversation, be mindful to not only state what your intentions are, but to also share how you can bring value to the relationship. Logic dictates that if you can connect with the ultimate decision maker, then why bother about everyone else right? Wrong. While having good connections with decision makers is undoubtedly a huge asset, It is important not to lose sight of the value of those who influence the decision as well. It is also a great way to keep a pulse on things and not to mention, a great way to get other helpful connections, recommendations or referrals as well. Also, do not forget that these folks whom you ignore, might one day be that decision maker you want to connect with as well. Though we have written this tip in a rather calculated manner, at the end of the day, in seeking connections, it is, in our opinion, a virtue to always remain humble and not be overly dismissive. It is fuss-free. No credit card or payment required.Tip 1: Give context when connecting on LinkedIn
Tip 2: Make that connection meaningful
Tip 3: Leverage technology (like Surer!) to start a functional relationship with the connection
Tip 4: Let connections know you are willing to ‘give’ as well
Tip 5: Do not try to exclusively connect with the ‘top brass’
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